Thursday, January 24, 2013


Well, here's a pretty kettle of fish--hubby goes out today and lays in $200 worth of produce--40 cucumbers, bunches upon bunches upon bunches of kale, tomatoes in great masses, ginger root by the tree, oranges, apples, grapefruits, spinach enough to power Popeye for a year's worth of crises.

I'm super upset. I feel PRESSURED now to juice all this stuff. I know he was just being sweet and accommodating and not wanting to be sent to the store every three days. But, first of all, the MONEY was a TON, and now I feel that if I don't carry through for at least ANOTHER WHOLE WEEK, I will have disappointed him and wasted his money!!!

He bought a 25-pound bag of carrots!!!!

I'm torn between the typical (I think) reaction of simply bursting into tears and whining, "What? You think I'm so fat you want me to stay on a juice fast forever?!?!" and then he will say, "I thought you wanted a lot of produce," and I will say, "I do, but this is not a lot of produce--this is the Garden of Eden," and he will say, "isn't that a good thing?" and I will cry and feel stupid and run out and eat a veggie burger and fries at Islands!

216.2 again today. Whatevs. The whole day is an emotional loss, so who cares about the fact that the  scale is stuck in FATLAND. Never mind that I am drinking KALE JUICE spiked with grossnesses like SPINACH JUICE.

So this is Day Six, and I'm very upset, and although I do not feel physically bad or otherwise discouraged, the emotional toll of the day has been heavy.

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