Sunday, January 20, 2013

Juice Fast Day 2

It's the second day of my Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead-inspired juice fast. I drank a stiff cup of coffee this morning, because I was not about to go out the door to church with two teenagers and a caffeine-withdrawal headache. There's time enough for that after the Inauguration tomorrow.

I awoke this morning with the distinct feeling that it was Spring and all was right with the world.  This was a physical feeling of hope and wellness. It lasted until after church, at which time I was plunged into a feeling of hunger so gripping, I had to rush to the kitchen, fumble around with all the parts on the juicer and hurry-quick throw in the kale-etcetera. However--hahaha--the first sip of Mean Green Juice was so nasty (it was nasty on Day One too), I instantly slowed down and sipped at it until it was finished.

I later had some hot water and then, around 4, another juice--this time with a grapefruit tossed in instead of the 1/2 apple and 1/2 lemon. I also left out the ginger root. My kitchen smells like Whole Foods.

Strangely, there was an hour of so today when I was assaulted by visions of things I haven't eaten or cared about in the year since I became vegan: melted cheese, hot dogs burned to perfection (!), slathered with mustard, and stuffed into a fluffy bun, One of my sons offered me a baked french fry, but I replied that I was juicing and that the world will not run out of french fries any time soon--they will be available whenever I want them again.

So, I'm good for today. No promises about tomorrow.

I have allowed myself to fantasize about the possibilities of what a 30-day juice fast would do for me. For starters, it would put me in "one-derland," a land I haven't seen for a few years and then only for the briefest glance.  I have even allowed myself to envision the possibility of a full-blown 60-day fast like Joe does in FSAND, which would basically solve my life and give me a new beginning, a new me, an end to the foolishness of upping and downing.

More importantly, a long juice fast (and I'm not saying I'm going to attempt one) would give me the opportunity--the TIME--to sit and think about my relationship to food in general, to myself as a Fat Person, to particular deliciousnesses in particular that I need to separate myself from, vegan or not.

However, not having the resources Joe has, it seems less than certain that I could even try to attempt such a thing. Still, even though I'm not a rich girl who can afford to have an entire film crew chronicling the long fast, I don't work and I have that amazing miracle: the supportive family. Dear hubby has already asked whether the cheap juicer is sufficient or if I'll be needing the more expensive model.

Weighed in at 220 today. Yes, a whopping 4.8 less than yesterday. Call it water. No intestinal crises at all--maybe that's because I've already been vegan for a year and my innards are already acclimated to this stuff.

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