Friday, February 1, 2013

This is Why I Think about Gastric Bypass

because today I weight 219.8. Because eating almost ANYTHING causes giant weight gain.


I had a kale-carrot-cucumber juice today for breakfast. Then, throughout the day I ate lots of yummy, crunchy celery and carrots. I had a potato, a grapefruit, a banana. Later, I had a veggie burger (at home, not at Islands!) with some veggies-and-hummus on the side. Totally indulged on really healthy, yummy stuff.

Of course I felt bad about how much I ate, because, after all, after nine days of drinking juice, one should have one's act together and she be delighted with clear cucumber juice and celery stalks, but alas, I enjoy eating.

Tonight I watched Chocolat, than which there is no yummier movie.

Completely hate myself for all my eating, even though it's all vegan and all healthy and all delicious.

217.6, of course. After all, I ate real food for a couple of days. Ridiculous. Oh, I also ate an apple. A delicious red apple, sweet and fine. Tomorrow I will wonder why I have gained weight, when anyone can see what I did today: apple, banana, grapefruit, celery, carrots, hummus, potato, almond milk, 2 slices of sourdough, vegennaise, vegan patty. For others, this might equal starvation. For me it equals at least a new pound.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DAY 11: FOOD!!!

Today I had that Veggie Burger and Fries at Islands. It was amazingly good--I know maybe I should have had something in between all those apples yesterday and the full-on meal, but it caused me zero problems and was suuuuuuuper yummy delish!

AND HERE'S SOMETHING AMAZING--I didn't add salt!!!! If you knew me, you would know this is beyond miraculous. I add salt to everything--I mean everything--and have since I can remember (I have very low blood pressure). I usually salt both the fries and the veggie patty, but didn't even reach for it--in fact the mayo (not vegan) seemed very salty to me and I used very little. I usually slather it all on.

AND--more miracle--I didn't eat all the fries. What? Me not even think to reach for the salt and me not finish all my fries and look around for more? (Scary, because Islands offers bottomless fries--they'll refill you if you want!)

EVEN GREATER-- I was sort of bummed out after eating all that--since I'd only had juice and yesterday's apples in all these days--but tonight when I got hungry again, I thought, "Well, I'm done with the juice fast. I might as well make some food," and what did I do? Did I reach for another veggie patty? No. Did I whip up some spaghetti? No.  (drum roll) I did what my body wanted--I cleaned and inhaled SIX CARROTS, kid you not. WHAT IS THAT?

What it is is this--I've been rebooted. I've been re-set. I can tell what I want! I really think the reason I went out for the burger/fries is because I've been talking about it on here all week and it was in my head, and now that that's out of my psyche (it was definitely more of a psych thing than a body-hunger thing), I'm all good with that.

As for the HORRIBLE CHOLESTEROL numbers, I think I need to get real and realize it's all the fries and mayo and kinda-vegan-if-you-don't-count-the-milk salad dressing I've been indulging in the three or four weeks just prior to my juice fast. So I'm going to forget about that and push onward.

Hubby still juicing. I'm going to eat whole veggies I think now, since I seem to have a real need for the fiber.

Today's weight: 214.4.  I'm a fan of that. Ten days prior to this weigh-in, I was 224.8.

Monday, January 28, 2013


It's Day Ten of my Juice Fast, but today I ate two apples to get the intestines going. Success! I was not prepared ahead of time for the possibility that lack of fiber would cause trouble. Most people seem to have the opposite trouble--but since I've been vegan for a year, perhaps that had something to do with it.

I am about to out myself on Facebook as having done a ten-day (with 2 apples) juice fast. Or, to be quite strict: a Nine-Day Juice Fast Plus One Day of Just Fruits. That is, unless I eat a veggie burger tonight, which my body has been loudly asking for!

Today's weight: 215.


Had an apple today. THAT STARTED THE ENGINE. I feel MUCH MUCH MUCH better now. Maybe have me some juice now, people!!!!

Super humiliated that my back pain was probably nothing more than BLOCKED INTESTINES--what a relief!  LOL. Joke's on me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I've started asking everyone to bring over what they make so I can admire it and smell it and look at how gorgeous it is. Toasted onion rolls slathered in vegennaise, topped with avos, tomatoes, lettuce, and vegan patties. I mean it, that is GOOD STUFF.  I'm having a great time admiring it, although, to be strictly honest, I could like me some of that.

Son Number One made a juice last night and sucked it down.

The giant pile of produce is diminishing.

I feel fine, if slowed down some. I am able to just sit and read and think and drink water and have a few juices all day, so it's just been a lovely retreat. I haven't gone shopping or done any errands at all. Haven't even been to the mailbox. It's been like a lovely vacation from my life.

My back is significantly better just from taking it easy, using hot packs. Last time this happened to me I had three babies (3, 1, and 1) and couldn't really check out of life for the healing time.  I don't think I'll need the chiropractor at all. I never did take any meds.

I would like to eat something. I would also like to see how ten days or two weeks of this effects my cholesterol.

Today's weight: 214.6. Fascinating how we seem to be doing the point-six and the point-two fairly consistently. Down 10 pounds in 8 days (this is day 9 so 8 days have passed) of nothing but juice.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Who'd a thunk it? EIGHT DAYS OF THE WEEK! We are cruising along, with one tiny glitch to report back failed last night.

This has happened to me only once before. Around Christmas, 2000, I leaned over (slight incline) my son's high-chair to give him a banana. Suddenly, and without any warning whatever, I was fully incapacitated, my back in a staggering amount of pain. I had to crawl to my husband to get help. Embarrassingly, extended family was in the house that Christmas, and my 87-year-old, very fit and sprightly grandmother thought this was part of the holiday fun--to laugh at me!

A visit to the chiropractor fixed everything, but I still stumbled around hesitatingly for a few days.

Fast forward 12 years. Last night, for no good reason except dire necessity, I was putting in a load of whites, when again suddenly and again with no warning whatever (no preliminary twinges), boom, there it went. Not as bad this time. I was able to pour in the bleach and get myself to bed, where I collapsed in pain, slept for a solid nine hours and woke up not-quite incapacitated, but mooovvviiinnnggg slowly.

I'm guessing that this has nothing to do with the juice fast, but rather, is just one o' those things that happens every twelve years or so.

I decided to treat it--not with anti-inflammatories and pain reducers--by letting my body heal itself, thanks to whoever sent me Pleasure Trap, which came yesterday and which I have been, Providencially, reading just as this moment of need. Am drinking lots of water and resting.

In the Food World, I did manage to (painfully) haul myself upright to help Elder Daughter make some Rice Krispie Treats for a party. It all looked very yummy, but I could see past the pleasure potential to the concentrated animal product (real butter), the super concentrated sugar (marshmallows), and the fiber-removed crispy rice. No, I didn't taste it.

I did blend up a juice today instead of juicing it--to get the fiber I mentioned yesterday I was in needing. Sort of a chewy juice, and I wasn't a fan. I think I'll just let nature take its course.

Today's weight: 215.6, more than yesterday by a touch, but I'm not worrying. We already went through this angst a pound ago, so I'm past that.

Fascinatingly, Pleasure Trap talks about water-only fasting to HEAL DISEASES. So I don't feel bad at all that my body is not begging for lots of juice today--it's in full healing mode on my back and can't be bothered with lots of food.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

Oh! Hubby had two juices again today.