Monday, January 21, 2013


So far I am having no problems. This may be because I live in a uniquely-supportive atmosphere. No one is sabotaging me or waving cookies under my nose, not even my teenagers. They are all very "You go, Mom!" about it.

Also, as I said previously, I don't have to work. I can imagine that if you had to navigate work and social situations, a juice fast would be a horrible experience, extremely difficult to accomplish.

I get to sleep in, watch the Inauguration, Facebook half the day away and then study for the other half, the rest of the family doing their Holiday (MLK) thing.

I also get a one-hour foot massage each day from one or the other teenager, although today they were demanding double-time-and-a-half because it is a holiday. "Dad gets double time and a half on holidays, so we should too!" There's good thinking there, so my foot massage cost me $12.50 today and was worth every penny.

I still haven't braved the no-coffee thing, but I am entirely unwilling to say "failure" over an exercise in willpower that is astonishing even in these amazingly-easy conditions. I had one cup of coffee with Splenda (I know, I know) and almond milk.

Call me a failure for that deviation if you must, but I'm the one doing the work here, and to quote the President's Second Inaugural Address, "We have to try, even though we know our efforts will be imperfect." Not sure that's an exact quote, but it was something close to that. He's talking about spreading Democracy--I'm just talking about a cup of coffee, people. Let it go!

Weighed in at 217.8 (every tenth helps, and after all, my scale give the answer that way, so I'm just passing it on), which is, yes, let's hear it, 7 pounds from 224.8, my official starting weight 48 hours earlier.

Don't despair if you are not losing this much weight--first of all, it's all water, right? and second of all, you aren't as fat as me, so you will lose less. These things seem to progress proportionately.


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